Thursday, October 8, 2009

Week 5 Media and Information Literacy

I very much enjoyed when we learned about Photoshop I have always wanted to learn how to use it. I learned how to use almost every aspect of this program. We learned how to make layers, each one being a different element added to your photo. We used pictures of different types of shoes and added a background, and text to make it look like these shoes were in a grassy field. We saw that not only can photo shop be used to help enhance pictures but it can also take aspects away and added to a picture. An example of this are pictures photo shopped from the time of the civil war and the most famous pictures of today. People were either taken out or some were randomly added.

Photoshop is a very influential learning tool that I could use as an education major. Not only can I use it for different visual projects in the college of education, but also when I start teaching I can use it in the classroom. I am hoping to teach children with special needs so any kind of visual learning tool would benefit them greatly. I could Photoshop many different pictures and show my students a fun way to learn about colors and show them different forms of weather. Also by writing text on my Photoshopped pictures I can have them look at pictures and learn the word easier. Visual learning is a very important tool when working with children with special needs and Photoshop can have so many different benefits for them.

Photoshop can also be a way to have fun with your pictures. You can make items invisible, add some very interesting objects, and make someone look like a totally different person. The video I chose for my blog took out important objects in each photo, which not only changed the photo completely but made it funny. It relates to what I learned because it shows different ways that you can edit a picture and how drastically a picture can change with just one object being taken out.

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