Thursday, October 8, 2009

Week 2 Educational Technology

Web Technology was very interesting, I have always thought web technology was just simply the Internet and anything to do with a computer. However I did not realize how much other aspects there are dealing with the web, and how much it impacts our everyday. When my mom was in school they did not use any form of technology as learning tools, in fact she used a type writer to type up her reports. Now in schools technology is just as much of the lesson plan as pencil is to paper. Students today are known as the new generation of learners. YouTube is a common thing used in classrooms and for projects, it is a prime learning tool. Students these days can find and learn anything online with simply searching on google or one of the many other search options.

Being an education major allows me to always using and being introduced to new technologies. I am always asked to do PowerPoint presentations in most of my education classes. Teachers are always being shown and given new technologies to teach their students. In special education there is always a large amount of technology to help the students speak, write, and learn new concepts. When I become a special education teacher I would love to have a smart board to help with the learning process.

This YouTube video shows the impact technology has on students today. We learned about how technology has changed significantly over the years and this video shows you in depth how extreme those changes are. Some of the facts may never have thought could ever be true.

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