Thursday, October 15, 2009

Week 8 The Sound of....Podcasting

For the week of October 12th-16th we learned about how to make a podcast of our own. We were taught the many different programs that you could use to make one and where you can find random sounds to add to it from different sites, such as A program that we learned about was garage band and how simple it is to make and start your own podcast. You are given sounds, music, and pictures to use to play around with and add to your podcast. Than you can upload it to and embed it into a blog. Audacity is another way you can make a podcast, it is a free program that you can download to a mac or windows and record your voice and add sounds.

As a special education teacher using anything with sound can make learning fun and more interesting. Children with certain learning disabilities learn better through visuals and sounds so providing this for them would be a more efficient way to learn. They can even make one of their own for the assignment that we are learning that week or day.

I choose the video Using Garage Band to make a Podcast as my visual it takes you through step by step and shows you how make a podcast on garage band. This relates to what I learned that week because it is shows you in depth how to make a podcast and in case I forgot some step in making one I can go back and review it on this video.

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